-3.6lbs! Pretty excited about that! My goal was to get at or below 210 pounds by Thanksgiving. So I made it there with a few days to spare. I am going to try to drop 2 more pounds by Thanksgiving. Because I am sure I will gain a few! I will consider it a win to still be at 210 after Thanksgiving!
I am still struggling coming up with some sort of work out routine(or time to do it). Other than my soccer game last week I only made it on a couple of lunchtime walks. Ideally I would like to be mixing in some more moderate workouts but glad to see I can still make progress without it. I still was really active last week. I was over 10,000 steps all but 1 day.
How do you all deal with The Holidays and not slacking off too much? Time gets a lot tighter and not to mention all sorts of goodies and food keeps getting thrown in your face! Most people don’t recommend starting a weight loss journey during the holiday. I said screw it! I didn’t want to wait until the typical New Years resolution thing!