Week 7 Weigh In

+ 3 Lbs! The turkey got to me! It is what I expected atleast. That’s what sitting around and eating over the Thanksgiving break will do to you. 

Now to get back in the grind of things. Should make some good progress this week. I’m working on a jobsite at a hotel. It provides lots of walking and I’ll choose to take the stairs a lot of the time. 

My goal this week is to get back the 3 pounds gained over thanksgiving break. I am aiming at getting to 205LBs by Christmas break. How did y’all fare over the holiday? Eat too much like me??

Week 6 Weigh In

-3.6lbs! Pretty excited about that! My goal was to get at or below 210 pounds by Thanksgiving. So I made it there with a few days to spare. I am going to try to drop 2 more pounds by Thanksgiving. Because I am sure I will gain a few! I will consider it a win to still be at 210 after Thanksgiving!

I am still struggling coming up with some sort of work out routine(or time to do it). Other than my soccer game last week I only made it on a couple of lunchtime walks. Ideally I would like to be mixing in some more moderate workouts but glad to see I can still make progress without it. I still was really active last week. I was over 10,000 steps all but 1 day. 

How do you all deal with The Holidays and not slacking off too much? Time gets a lot tighter and not to mention all sorts of goodies and food keeps getting thrown in your face! Most people don’t recommend starting a weight loss journey during the holiday. I said screw it! I didn’t want to wait until the typical New Years resolution thing! 

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