Fitness Goal #1: Mission White Men Can’t Jump?

Mission White Men Can’t Jump? has commenced! Throughout my weight loss/fitness journey I will be setting different fitness goals. Well here is my first! 

I will DUNK a basketball!

See video below for my first attempt!

As you can see I have a good ways to go! I can just barely touch the rim. I probably need to gain atleast 8 inches on my vertical. Why basketball you may ask? I grew up loving the game! I used to come home from school and go right to playing ball! I would play until the sun would go down. I used to have some pretty good hops! I am not incredibly tall. Topping out at 6 feet even. But in my high school years I was super proud to be able to barellllly dunk the ball. 

Follow me as I attempt to regain the dunk!

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