Fitness Goal #1: Mission White Men Can’t Jump?

Mission White Men Can’t Jump? has commenced! Throughout my weight loss/fitness journey I will be setting different fitness goals. Well here is my first! 

I will DUNK a basketball!

See video below for my first attempt!

As you can see I have a good ways to go! I can just barely touch the rim. I probably need to gain atleast 8 inches on my vertical. Why basketball you may ask? I grew up loving the game! I used to come home from school and go right to playing ball! I would play until the sun would go down. I used to have some pretty good hops! I am not incredibly tall. Topping out at 6 feet even. But in my high school years I was super proud to be able to barellllly dunk the ball. 

Follow me as I attempt to regain the dunk!

Week 2 Weigh In

Shedded 4 more pounds this week! That’s 14 total! I didn’t quite get the 5 lbs I was shooting for but still happy with the results. I stayed pretty firm on making good eating choices but wasn’t able to get much exercise in. 

This week is going to be a tough one! I am going to aim for another 4 pounds. I am going to have to make some good progress during the week because the odds are against me for the weekend with a Halloween party and the Florida v Geaorgia game! Wish me luck!

Week 1 Weigh In

One week in the books! I am down 10lbs and pretty happy with the results! I achieved this without ever going to the gym or doing any heavy exercise(other than my soccer game). It all starts by drinking tons of water, being more active, and make better(not perfect) eating decisions. 

This week my goal will be -5lbs. I will be mixing in a few moderate exercising sessions. 

Look for some future posts this week laying out 3 fitness goals that I would like to achieve during this weight loss/fitness journey!

The #1 Thing You Should Do Now To Start Losing Weight


Plain and simple. You have got to stop drinking calories. This is the best first step to start losing weight. Maybe you are having difficulties changing your eating habits. So start with changing your drinking habits! Most overweight people drink an insane amount of calories per day. So just cutting those out should yield some results! Water not only cuts the calories out of your diet over other drinks, it also helps keep your stomach feeling full. Which in result should curb how much you do eat at your meals!

My typical day starts with a glass of water as soon as I get up before I eat anything. Your body can become dehydrated overnight as you sleep. So it is important to replenish first thing. I will then take 6 bottles of water with me to work to drink over the course of the work day. When I get home in the evenings I will typically drink (2) 32 ounce glasses of water. That’s a lot of water!! 

(My 6 pack ready to go!)

Warning: If you are just starting this out be prepared to be using the restroom a lot until your body adjust!!

Other Benefits

Not only is drinking lots of water good for achieving weight loss! It has many other benefits!

  • You will find that you have more energy and are more alert.
  • It’s great for your skin!
  • Helps prevent headaches. 
  • It helps keep our bodies clean by constantly flushing out the waste! You’ll probably see that you don’t get sick/colds as much!
  • And more!

So if you are looking to start losing weight you should definitely start here! Not too mention it is probably the easiest step you could take to lose weight. Give it a shot. You can do it!!

Weight Loss Tip: Find a Way To Be Active

When you make the decision to start living a healthier lifestyle you have got to change your mindset! Every activity throughout the day presents an opportunity to be more active and to get some exercise in. 

For example: 

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator!
  • Park in the back of the parking lot instead of spending 5 minutes weaving up and down the aisles looking for the closest spot. 
  • Use your lunch break wisely. It only takes 15-20 minutes to eat your lunch. Use the other 40 and go for a walk. 

Life can get busy sometimes and you don’t always have an extra 1-1.5hours to goto the gym. Using these simple tips and transitioning your mindset to not be lazy can keep you on track to achieving your weight loss goals. 

Me Today On My Lunch Break:

I could have easily jumped in my truck and drove a mile down the road to grab lunch! My job today was in downtown Atlanta. There are many options for lunch within decent walking distance. 

As you can see I was able to get a nice 1.2 mile walk in with my lunch! So my advice to anyone looking to begin your own weight loss/fitness journey is to start simple! Simply making a few decisions to be more active throughout your day can go a long way. 

Day 1: Weight loss/Fitness Challenge

Alright. The moment has arrived!! Day 1 photos and initial weigh in.

There you have it! It’s not easy putting all your business out there so the whole world can see it! It will be extra motivation for me to lose the weight!

Day 1 weight: 232 LBS!! That is the highest I have ever been! Beneath the layer of blubber is an athletic guy I once knew! Follow me on my weight loss journey. I hope to inspire you by showing you unique ways to work out, ways to eat better, and how to regain your health NINJA style!




You are probably wondering what this Fat Ninja stuff is all about. First things first, let me start with an introduction.

My name is Drew. I live in the metro Atlanta area. I am 32 years old, married to my beautiful wife Kelly, and have a sassy 7 year old named Ava.

I have always been an athletic crazy type of guy! As of lately I have fell victim to this thing called LIFE. Work is busy. Family life is busy. Before you know it you are a middle aged man with a nice beer belly!

My Goal. My intentions with starting Fat Ninja Fitness page are to reclaim my health/fitness with a slight Ninja twist. I absolute HATE going to the gym! I can’t stand exercising on a machine, sitting there staring at a TV or other people around you doing the same thing. I will be sharing new and different ideas of working out/exercising. As well as some simple tips on dieting and trying to eat healthier.

Ultimately, I expect this site to hold me accountable and stay on track with my fitness goals! Through doing that I hope to encourage others to do the same!

Coming Soon: Look out for my Day 1 Stats/Weigh In/Pre photos!

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